We now offer coffee subscriptions for our bestsellers! All coffees in the House and Flavours series are now available as automatic subscriptions! Learn more about how it works and check out the products.

Or why not give a subscription as a gift? Here you have the perfect present! Make sure someone else's coffee cupboard is filled for 3 or 6 months in a row. You pay the full amount today, and the subscription ends automatically after the last delivery. Super simple, right?

Log in to manage your subscriptions here!


Subscriptions are automatically renewed according to your selected delivery interval and the products will be automatically delivered by the shop after each successful renewal.

For example, if you started a monthly subscription, then the system will automatically charge your credit card each month and you will get the products delivered each month, without the need to place the order by yourself!

Yes, of course. You can pause or cancel a subscription any time you want in the customer portal, as seen in the screenshot below. The only time when the subscription can't be cancelled is if you started a subscription which requires a certain number of payments before you can cancel it.

The customer portal can be accessed through the magic link you received in the email that was sent to you when you placed an initial subscription order in the shop. You can also access your subscriptions if you create and account in your shop. 

You can skip or reschedule the charge in the customer portal. Each scheduled delivery will have a Skip payment button next to it, which you can use to skip the charge. You can reschedule the charge by clicking on the Reschedule button next to the delivery date.

Of course. You can add products to your subscription in the customer portal. Just click on theEditbutton in the products card and edit, remove or add products to your subscription.

If the subscription can't be renewed because a payment can't be processed you will receive an email with a link where you can safely update your payment method.

Our subscriptions are powered by Seal Subscriptions - additional info can be found here.

If you cant find the answer to your question just send us an email at

At Johan & Nyström

We love coffee.

And we want you to feel the same. We are the big little coffee roastery driven by the desire to make the coffee tastier, more exciting and better. We roast coffee that challenges both the industry and ourselves, every day. And we can do so thanks to our long-term and close relationships with some of the best coffee producers in the world. People who are as dedicated as we are. Who also know how important the ecosystem is for the quality and the future.

The result is better coffee, for everyone.



Att kvalitén på råkaffet är viktigt är solklart, men lika viktigt för en god kopp är hur det rostas. Varsamt och tålmodigt är två ledord för att smakerna ska få chans att utvecklas ordentligt. Att plocka fram den bästa smaken ur varje böna är ett sant hantverk. Varje kaffe har sitt unika bästa-sätt för att bli riktigt bra och det kan skilja sig från skörd till skörd. Våra rostmästare testar och koppar (benämningen för provsmakning inom kaffe) och testar och koppar om och om igen, tills rostprofilen sitter.

Vi är väldigt stolta över vårt rosteri som stod klart 2017. Det är faktiskt ett av Europas modernaste specialkafferosterier! Här finns stora och små rostar, med direkt koppling till råkaffelagret i ena änden och packmaskinerna i andra.


Our vision

Our vision goes beyond just great coffee; it's about contributing to a better world – for humanity and the planet. Coffee is our tool to achieve that.


What is specialty coffee?

To fairly compare and evaluate coffee quality worldwide, the Specialty Coffee Association (SCA) has developed a 100-point scale. Any coffee scoring 80 points or above qualifies as speciality coffee.


Brew Guides

Här har vi våra grundläggande guider till hur du lyckas med ditt kaffe, allt från hur du ställer in den rätta malningsgraden, till hur många skopor du egentligen skall ha i din kaffebryggare.