Radiant Rose
The sample pack is a single pyramid. 2,5 g tea ready to be brewed. If you are a B2B customer, head over to our wholesale assortment and contact our customer support for puchase!
Radiant Rose is the life of every party, a whirlwind of energy and laughter who lights up any room she walks into. With her wild curls, bright clothes, and a voice that rings like a bell, Rose believes life is a celebration, and every day is an excuse to dance. She’s known for turning everyday moments into extraordinary ones—whether it’s transforming a quiet afternoon into a lively storytelling session or bringing out her ukulele to serenade her friends.
Her favourite drink? A vibrant fruit tea that’s as bold and lively as she is. Bursting with hibiscus, currants, elderberries, and rose petals, this tea is a riot of colour and flavour, just like Rose herself. She brews it hot, letting the steam rise as she sips and sways to the music in her head. Whether she’s throwing a garden party or singing her heart out, Radiant Rose is all about embracing the moment and spreading joy wherever she goes.
Her tea is more than a drink; it’s a reminder to live life fully and brightly, one sip at a time.
EN Ingredients: Hibiscus (25%), oiled currants (currants, sunflower oil) (25%), elderberries (17,1%), white bean shells, roasted chicory root, red beet, cinnamon, natural flavour, stevia, rose petals (0.5%).
SE Ingredienser: Hibiskus (25%), oljade svarta vinbär (svarta vinbär, solrosolja) (25%), fläderbär (17,1%), vita bönskal, rostad cikoriarot, rödbeta, kanel, naturlig arom, stevia, rosenblad (0.5%).
NO Ingredienser: Hibiskus (25%), oljede solbær (solbær, solsikkeolje) (25%), hyllebær (17,1%), hvite bønneskall, ristet sikoriarot, rødbete, kanel, naturlig aroma, stevia, roseblader (0.5%).
DK Ingredienser: Hibiscus (25%), olierede solbær (solbær, solsikkeolie) (25%), hyldebær (17,1%), hvide bønneskaller, ristet cikoriarod, rødbede, kanel, naturlig aroma, stevia, rosenblade (0.5%).
FI Ainesosat: Hibiskus (25%), öljytyt mustaherukat (mustaherukat, auringonkukkaöljy) (25%), seljanmarjat (17,1%), valkoisten papujen kuoret, paahdettu sikurijuuri, punajuuri, kaneli, luonnollinen aromi, stevia, ruusun terälehdet (0.5%).
DE Zutaten: Hibiskus (25%), geölte Korinthen (Korinthen, Sonnenblumenöl) (25%), Holunderbeeren (17,1%), weiße Bohnenschalen, geröstete Zichorienwurzel, rote Beete, Zimt, natürliches Aroma, Süßkraut, Rosenblütenblätter (0.5%).
FR Ingrédients: Hibiscus (25%), raisins de Corinthe huilés (raisins de Corinthe, huile de tournesol) (25%), baies de sureau (17,1%), cosses de haricot, racine de chicorée grillée, betterave rouge, cannelle, arôme naturel, stévia, pétales de roses (0.5%).
Welcome to Dear Tea Society, where the eccentric, the strange, the absurd, the thirsty, the tired, the restless, the beautiful, the creative, the rowdy, the cunning, the polite, the curious and the perfectionist all join together in our love of tea. We love all colours of tea and infusions. We love sharing a pot but are often caught drinking on our own. We need tea to think, to dream, to forgive and forget. In short: We love tea, it’s who we are.