Lady Jade drinks her afternoon tea in a peaceful setting. A tea with an intoxicating aroma and lovely flavour. The tea leaves, rolled into small balls, are covered with freshly picked jasmine flowers until the desired jasmine flavour is attained.

Lady Jade dricker sitt eftermiddagste i en lugn atmosfär. Ett te med en hänförande doft och härlig smak. Tebladen rullas till små bollar och täcks med nyplockade jasminblommor tills önskad jasminsdoft uppnåtts.

Green tea

TG3 – 1 kg loose leaf tea

Dear Tea Society

Welcome to Dear Tea Society, where the eccentric, the strange, the absurd, the thirsty, the tired, the restless, the beautiful, the creative, the rowdy, the cunning, the polite, the curious and the perfectionist all join together in our love of tea.

We love all colours of tea and infusions. We love sharing a pot but are often caught drinking on our own. We need tea to think, to dream, to forgive and forget. In short: We love tea, it’s who we are.

Dear Tea Society is our tea brand, where we stylishly and playfully highlight our love for tea. The full range consists of high-quality teas in all their forms and flavours. Some selected favourites from the range are offered in the 80 g boxes available here.


Green tea
