Holly Day
Holly Day
Holly Day
Holly Day
Holly Day
Holly Day
Holly Day
Holly Day
Holly Day
Holly Day

Holly Day

€9,50 NICE PRICE Save
Contents 80 g, loose leaf tea

Only 0 left in stock

Have you met the lively and stimulating miss Holly Day? It’s her lovely scent you’ll notice first – a blend of black Indian teas, cinnamon, cardamom, black pepper, fruit and cloves. She also has a very confident and calm attitude to life focusing on two simple steps: doing less and being more. With her strong personality, Ayurvedic knowledge and warm, healing influence, Holly will add a little spice to your life.

This is a classic masala chai, black tea leaves from the Assam Region blended with traditional ayurvedic spices such as cinnamon, cardamom, pepper and clove in fine company with orange and apple pieces for a spicy-fruity cup. Try as a chai latte sweetened to taste.


EN Ingredients: Black tea*, cardamom pods whole*, cinnamon pieces*, orange peel*, black pepper*, cloves*, apple pieces*, natural cocoa-bitter almond aroma, natural pepper aroma, natural caramel aroma, natural orange aroma, natural cardamom aroma, natural tonka bean aroma, cinnamon bark oil*, extracted vanilla pieces*, *controlled biological cultivation.

SE Ingredienser: Svart te*, kardemummakapslar hela*, kanelbitar*, apelsinskal*, svartpeppar*, kryddnejlikor*, äppelbitar*, naturlig kakao-bittermandelarom, naturlig peppar-arom, naturlig karamellarom, naturlig apelsinarom, naturlig kardemummaarom, naturlig tonkabönsarom, kanelbarkolja*, extraherade vaniljbitar*, *kontrollerad ekologisk odling.

NO Ingredienser: Sort te*, kardemommekapsler hele*, kanelbiter*, appelsinskall*, svart pepper*, nellikspiker*, eplebiter*, naturlig kakao-bittermandelsmak, naturlig peppersmak, naturlig karamellsmak, naturlig appelsinsmak, naturlig kardemommesmak, naturlig tonkabønnesmak, kanelbarkolje*, ekstraherte vaniljebiter*, *kontrollert økologisk dyrking.

DK Ingredienser: Sort te*, kardemommekapsler hele*, kanelstykker*, appelsinskal*, sort peber*, nelliker*, æblestykker*, naturlig kakao-bittermandelaroma, naturlig peberaroma, naturlig karamelaroma, naturlig appelsinaroma, naturlig kardemommaroma, naturlig tonkabønnearoma, kanelbarkolie*, udtrukne vaniljestykker*, *kontrolleret økologisk dyrkning.

FI Ainesosat: Musta tee*, kardemummanpalot kokonaisina*, kanelinpalat*, appelsiininkuori*, mustapippuri*, neilikat*, omenanpalat*, luonnollinen kaakao-karvasmanteliaromi, luonnollinen pippuriaromi, luonnollinen karamelliaromi, luonnollinen appelsiiniaromi, luonnollinen kardemumma-aromi, luonnollinen tonkapapuaromi, kanelinkuoriöljy*, uutetut vaniljapalat*, *valvottu luomuviljely.

DE Zutaten: Schwarzer Tee*, Kardamomkapseln ganz*, Zimtstücke*, Orangenschalen*, schwarzer Pfeffer*, Nelken*, Apfelstücke*, natürliche Kakao-Bittermandelaroma, natürliche Pfefferaroma, natürliche Karamellaroma, natürliche Orangenaroma, natürliche Kardamomaroma, natürliche Tonkabohnenaroma, Zimtrindenöl*, extrahierte Vanillestücke*, *kontrollierter biologischer Anbau.

FR Ingrédients: Thé noir*, gousses de cardamome entières*, morceaux de cannelle*, écorces d’orange*, poivre noir*, clous de girofle*, morceaux de pomme*, arôme naturel de cacao-amande amère, arôme naturel de poivre, arôme naturel de caramel, arôme naturel d’orange, arôme naturel de cardamome, arôme naturel de fève tonka, huile d’écorce de cannelle*, morceaux de vanille extraits*, *culture biologique contrôlée.

We have four different coffee series, from House where the flavours are more familiar, to Prime which offers the absolute top tier of specialty coffee quality.

The House series is the foundation we stand upon, featuring specialty coffees from some of the 15 producers we work with closely, all among the best in the world. Each coffee offers a unique blend and flavour profile, and with such variety in the series, we dare say there’s a taste for (almost) everyone. To follow the harvest seasons, we rotate the origin and recipe throughout the year. This ensures the coffee is always fresh, the flavours consistent, and the cup truly delightful! In this series, you’ll find various espresso and filter coffees, both as whole beans and ground.

The Flavours series is where we truly elevate the natural flavours of each coffee. Most of the coffees are single origin, but as the contents of the product change with harvest seasons, occasionally a blend might better suit the flavour profile. Flavours is perfect for those seeking an exceptional cup where the coffee’s unique taste and character truly gets to shine!

The Farmers series is a tribute to the skilled and dedicated producers which we have a close relationship with. For this series, we purchase limited quantities of specific lots that really stand out when we taste them. It could be the variety or a specific part of the farm that truly brings out the best in the coffee. The flavours of these coffees are often sweet and floral, with hints of fruit or berries, broadening the horizons on what coffee can taste like. It is with a lot of pride we highlight our producers and their incredible craftsmanship.

The Prime series is the top tier of specialty coffee. These coffees are of unmatched quality and flavour and drinking them is an experience itself. Sourced only 3-4 times a year, our Prime coffees are extremely limited and highly coveted, with only around 200 bags available of each. These coffees are often of exclusive and rare varieties and produced using modern and innovative methods. For those seeking the ultimate coffee experience, our Prime series is sure to satisfy even the most refined palates.

We specialize in specialty coffee, which means that all the coffee we purchase scores at least 80 points on a 100-point scale – a grading system established by the international coffee organization SCA.

We hold high standards for the producers we work with, both in terms of sustainability and quality. Both aspects demand more and come at a cost, which we gladly pay. The right price is worth every cent!

10 years or more – that's how long we have been working with several of our producers. Simply because they are the best, and we know and trust each other. When we begin new collaborations, which also happens from time to time, we do so with the intention of celebrating 10 years and beyond with them as well. Our close and longstanding relationships are built on a shared philosophy and a desire to improve the conditions for coffee farmers worldwide. Through sustainability and quality!