Daring Dorothy
Daring Dorothy
Daring Dorothy
Daring Dorothy
Daring Dorothy
Daring Dorothy

Daring Dorothy

Daring Dorothy’s first word - at 6 months - was a firm “tea”. Her first complete sentence? “Please get me a cup of fruity black tea with pineapple, peach and liquorice root, with a scone on the side”. It’s never too early to ask for what you really want.

Daring Dorothys första ord - vid 6 månader - var ett bestämt ”te”. Hennes första mening? ”Ge mig en kopp fruktigt svart te med ananas, persika och lakritsrot, med scones vid sidan av”. Det är aldrig för tidigt att be om det du verkligen vill ha.

Flavoured black tea / Organic

TSSEKO9 – 1 kg loose leaf tea
DEARTS85 - 80 g retail carton loose leaf tea
DEARTS5 - 100 x portion pack


Speech development in children typically begins around 6 months with “da-da-da” before evolving into “mama” and “dadda” by the end of 12 months. Around 18 months, babies can usually say several simple words like “cookie, “bye bye” and “milk”.

Daring Dorothy had a somewhat different linguistic learning curve. Her first word - at 6 months - was a firm “tea”, quickly followed by “please” and “now”. Her first complete sentence? “Please get me a cup of fruity black tea with pineapple, peach and liquorice root, with a scone on the side”.

It might sound like a gutsy demand for a toddler. But it’s never too early to ask for what you really want.

Dear Tea Society

Welcome to Dear Tea Society, where the eccentric, the strange, the absurd, the thirsty, the tired, the restless, the beautiful, the creative, the rowdy, the cunning, the polite, the curious and the perfectionist all join together in our love of tea.

We love all colours of tea and infusions. We love sharing a pot but are often caught drinking on our own. We need tea to think, to dream, to forgive and forget. In short: We love tea, it’s who we are.

Dear Tea Society is our tea brand, where we stylishly and playfully highlight our love for tea. The full range consists of high-quality teas in all their forms and flavours. Some selected favourites from the range are offered in the 80 g boxes available here.


Green tea
