Why we grind finer when we brew an espresso? Why should it be heavier when it is a press pot? What makes too rough or too finely ground coffee with the taste? This will be our dear Jonas Hult tell you.
Text Catrine Gyllensten
Hello Jonas, who are you?
Well, I'm green coffee buyer at Johan & Nyström, and in addition to being responsible for all green coffee sourcing and content of all our coffees I see with our stainless masters that the coffee always tastes like it should. Then huh, I also barista at the concept store 2010-2012 so I've ground a few coffee beans in my career.
Okay, then we'll start. First of all, what happens if you grind the coffee "wrong"?
Well, if you have too finely ground coffee for your brewing method will be over extracted or brewed as you get out too much taste. If, instead of coarse ground coffee will be over extracted or brewed since you do not have time to get out all the flavors. Simplified leads too fine and överextaherat to the strong, bitter coffee and one for coarse and extracted a thin, bitter and sour coffee.
Why should it be ground fine for espresso and coarse to the press pitcher?
Grinding degree is of course a lot of contact, the longer the contact coffee and water are together the greater the contact you want to have. When you brew an espresso, you have to get all the flavors found in coffee on type 25 seconds, while a French Press brewing for several minutes. For espresso Thus, it needs to reduce the surfaces of the coffee grains so the flavors can be extracted properly in the short time. Generally speaking, the faster the brewing, the finer the grind, and vice versa.

Okay, but what shall I paint with?
We can start with what you not will be grinding with fact. It is such a household appliance or blender. Or really, we can insert some cheaper coffee grinders in that category with. All machines that "grind" with knives are no-go simply. The reason is that there is nothing that sets the size of the particles. So you get everything from tiny to giant particles and the coffee is thus both very brewed and brewed a little while.
What you want is a mill, either automatic or manual, with real metal discs, either conical or flat. This allows you to set the degree of grinding so it is just the way you want it, and all the particles are roughly equal, and we get a nice, even brewing results.
Looking for things we sell both manual grinders from Hario andfrom electrical Wilfa. Do you want to invest a little more in your home setup, I like personally mills from Mahlkönig or Commandante and for you such as running a cafe I would recommend pro mills from Mahlkönig.
How large should the grains right then? Do you have any examples of what can be compared with?
It's really hard to say how large grains should eh, Espresso should well be that the almond flour, maybe, but if you do not have almond flour at home how will you know how big it is? Since coffee grinders are not standardized at all, some have numbers others have some clicks are more "accurate" statements (but it does not mean that they are true), so it's really difficult to say. You may make a graph or something to explain. *
The most important thing when it comes to the grind is that you start somewhere and test your way to something that you think tastes good. Note, however, that does not change a lot of stuff when you brew, you should test your way to the perfect degree of grinding use the same brewing method and the same coffee all the time, otherwise you will not know what caused the change in taste.
Oh, now, we might as well go into the dosage with how much coffee you should have a cup?
Stop now, the amount of coffee in relation to water, how big is a cup like? It is at least 6 grams of coffee to 100 grams of water that is the golden rule. Don't have a kitchen scales at home (root little so you surely have one) so it also works with a tablespoon per 100 g, and 100 g is easy for it is a deciliter, and a decilitic measure you have surely.
Thank Jonas, felt good?
Thus, the grinding rate is both crawl and giant complicated so it is difficult to try to explain it simple, but I hope I helped anyway. Otherwise, they may go a course with Eskil.
* Here is the graph / Catrine