Our relationship to the tea is even longer behind in time than for coffee, about 3000 years. The origin of the tea extends from the province of Yunnan in southwest China, to the province of Assam in northeast India, as well as to the borders around Laos and Thailand. In these areas, the elegant elliptical tea leaves can be developed well. The beautiful green leaves with their almost leathery texture are accentuated by the dilute white flower. When walking around a tea plantation, the tea bushes are a little more than one meter, but the bush can be considerably higher if they get to grow wild and not governed by man's hand. The tea's botanical name is Camellia sinensis and it was given by the self-carl von Linnaeus.
The so elegant white teas, the green buttery teas with their elegant Umami character, or an oolong with a healthy and gentile mineral. All of these can be produced from the same blade, depending on how the so-called oxidation is performed. Oxidation means that the tea leaves react with oxygen. (The taste also depends on which the product of the tea plant is used, various varieties highlights different flavors.) There are teas over the entire spectrum, from 0 - 100% oxidation. It is important to point out that it is not the question of spontaneous oxidation without taking place under very controlled forms. Slightly simplified, it can be said that green is not oxidized at all, white is naturally oxidized (7-8%), the various oolongs extend between about 10-80% oxidation and black is about 100% oxidized.
Unfortunately, it is not so simple that it is only the amount of oxidation that determines the tea character, but it has a central role. To manufacture a tea is a solid craft, from it picking the best leaves, to the thesisee considering the tea to be ready for brewing. Then the theme has taken into account factors such as drying, scrolling and heating. There are additional parts that are important for the end of the tea.
Let's look a little closer to the different teas.

Black - This is we most familiar with the morning women in the form of various breakfast mixtures. They are known to be quite substantial in their taste character. One should not miss testing on the more likely black teas such as Darjeeling and Yunnan Gold.

White - This type is known for its exclusivity and elegance. Many times you just pick the top shots, also called Pekoe, as for the Chinese tea Bai Hao Yin Zhen. To this type of tea, they are still the output knobs from the tea busk. They are appreciated for their rich elegance and complexity.

Green - this is probably the most underestimated tea, many do not like it because they brew it wrong. Unfortunately, green tea is often associated with a boring bitter and tired barous character, but it can bid for so much more: butteriness, tones of Umami and fullness. For example. A classic long Jing or a freshly harvested Japanese Sencha.

Oolong - This puts the theme's skills on trial. Oolong is known for its very complex manufacturing process. A lighter oxidized oolong provides elegant mineral tones, while a longer oxidation gives a darker oolong that is characterized by a slightly larger body and many times fruity elements.