Mellow Mr Bloom
The sample pack is a single pyramid. 2,5 g tea ready to be brewed. If you are a B2B customer, head over to our wholesale assortment and contact our customer support for puchase!
Perhaps you woke up too late, missed the train, spilled coffee all over your laptop, posted an awk- ward status when trying to send a private message, activated the office alarm by mistake and forgot your in-laws are coming for dinner? Or something like that.
You don’t need more stress in your life right now. What you need is to keep calm and see Mr Bloom. He has a relaxing effect on everyone. You can try but you won’t succeed in rushing him. He believes in one thing and one thing only: Between point A and point B there’s always point Tea.
Listen to Mr Bloom and don’t mess with your sleep. Kick off your shoes and have a cup of merry rooibos in the sun. Things will work out for the better and everything will feel different in the morning.
EN Ingredients: rooibos*, natural cherry flavour, bucco leaves*, blackberry leaves*, blueberries* (1,5%), strawberry pieces* (1,5%), marigold flowers*, natural honey flavour, natural elderflower flavour, natural orange juice flavour. *controlled biological cultivation.
SE Ingredienser: rooibos*, naturlig körsbärssmak, buccoblad*, björnbärsblad*, blåbär* (1,5%), jordgubbsbitar* (1,5%), ringblomma*, naturlig honungssmak, naturlig fläderblomssmak, naturlig apelsinjuicesmak. *kontrollerad ekologisk odling.
NO Ingredienser: Rooibos*, naturlig kirsebærsmak, bukkehornblader*, bjørnebærblader*, blåbær* (1,5 %), jordbærbiter* (1,5 %), morgenfrueblomster*, naturlig honningsmak, naturlig hylleblomssmak, naturlig appelsinjuice-smak. *kontrollert økologisk dyrking.
DK Ingredienser: Rooibos*, naturlig kirsebæraroma, buchublade*, brombærblade*, blåbær* (1,5 %), jordbærstykker* (1,5 %), morgenfrueblomster*, naturlig honningaroma, naturlig hyldeblomstaroma, naturlig appelsinjuicearoma. *kontrolleret økologisk dyrkning.
FI Ainesosat: rooibos*, luontainen kirsikanmaku, bucco-lehdet*, karhunvatukanlehdet*, pensasmustikka* (1,5%), mansikan-palaset* (1,5%), kehäkukka*, luontainen hunajanmaku, luontainen, seljankukanmaku, luontainen appelsiinimehunmaku. *valvottu luomuviljely.
DE Zutaten: Rooibos* (geschützte Ursprungsbezeichnung)*, Buchublätter*, natürliches Kirsch-Aroma, süße Brombeerblätter*, Erdbeerstücke* (1,5%), Heidelbeeren* (1,5%), Ringelblumen*, natürliches Honig-Aroma, natürliches Holunderblüten-Aroma, natürliches Orangen-Aroma*. *kontrolliert biologischer Anbau
FR Ingrédients: Rooibos* (appellation d’origine protégée)* , feuilles de bucco*, arôme naturel de cerise, feuilles de mûres douces*, morceaux de fraises* (1,5%), myrtilles* (1,5%), soucis*, arôme naturel de miel, arôme naturel de fleurs de sureau, arôme naturel d’orange*. *culture biologique contrôlée
Welcome to Dear Tea Society, where the eccentric, the strange, the absurd, the thirsty, the tired, the restless, the beautiful, the creative, the rowdy, the cunning, the polite, the curious and the perfectionist all join together in our love of tea. We love all colours of tea and infusions. We love sharing a pot but are often caught drinking on our own. We need tea to think, to dream, to forgive and forget. In short: We love tea, it’s who we are.