Soft gingerbread cake with coffee gras is a cake that I come bake often at home. You know, when the whole family goes down a piece, and then it's all over. Of course, coffee in both the smet and the frosting. So, you know, coffee's like, what a thing.
You know, since before I'm a real coffee nerd, so no bullshit quality on the coffee here. Pepparkaka works fine the year, it's incredible. It's an incredible amount of childhood memories that plough up when I eat it. The scent that spreads all over the house and teasing with the neighbors. Darling!
Recept by Linn Utboltsalt somsugars. se

Soft gingerbread cake with coffee gras
Soft gingerbread
- 150 g brynt butter
- 3 eggs
- 2 dl st sugar 180g
- 1 dl brown farin 90g
- 4 dl wheat flour 240g
- 3 msk Cinnamon
- 2 tsk freshed cardamom
- 1 tsk malde neylika
- 2 tn Malde ginger
- 1 tsk bicarbonate
- 150 grams of turkian yogurt cream file or similar fat yogurt works fine with
- 1 dl linguist jam
- ½ dl cold Christmas coffee
- Butt-black butter and wheat flour to form.
- 2 dl flora sugar 90 g
- Ca. 3 tsk coldChristmas coffee
Do it like this!
- Set the oven to 175 degrees of hot air. Penate the shape of butter and loaf of wheat flour.
- Spa eggs with sugar sugar and sugar in approximately 3 to 5 minutes until you have a luminable text. Mix all dry ingredients well in a separate bundle, pour the butter and add to butter and yoghurt, in a separate bundle. Stir until you have a smooth smooth, add to the lingo and pipe until it's well mixed. Pour the smet in the shape and gall for 25 to 30 minutes. Let the cake cool in the form about 10 minutes before you turn it upside down on a platter.
- Stir up flora sugar with :Christmas coffee until you have a smooth glaze. Called over the frosting when the cake swings. Garage with oxalis, or why not shattered coffee beans.
You want another one of these super-smartapey recipes? Then check this out. Christmas caroles with Christmas coffee!