Brew guide: Electric coffee maker

Even with fully automatic machines, there are tricks to brewing a better cup of coffee. We've divided our recipe into three different levels so you can find a recipe that suits you and your equipment. Or perhaps you want to try something a little more advanced?

This is our best recipe and makes about 6 cups of coffee. Of course, it works just as well if you want to brew more or less, just check the table to find the right ratio of coffee to water.

  • Buy freshly roasted ground specialty coffee for the best starting conditions.

  • Measure 45g of coffee, which according to the table is about 7.5 tablespoons, and place it in the filter. Since light and dark roasted coffee weighs slightly different, you can use a bit more if you have a dark roasted coffee, perhaps half a tablespoon more (but not an "extra for the brewer").

  • Fill the water tank with 7.5 deciliters of water, often up to the "6 cups" mark on the machines water tank, and turn it on. Remember to use a clean jug to pour the water into the coffee maker - a different jug than the one you brew the coffee in.

  • Weigh your coffee instead of relying on a measurement. The recipe is 6g of coffee per 100g of water, and by weighing the coffee instead of relying on a measurement, you create the best conditions for a good cup of coffee.

  • Before adding the coffee, rinse the filter with water to remove some of the "papery taste". This works great to do under the tap.

  • If you have time, and want to improve the conditions further, you can run some deciliters of water through the coffee maker before adding the coffee to the filter. This rinses the filter thoroughly and also warms up both the jug and the machine before it's time to brew for real. Just remember to empty the water before brewing the coffee!

  • Invest in a grinder and buy whole beans - freshly ground coffee always tastes better. There are both small manual grinders and slightly larger - but not very large - automatic ones that simplify the job considerably. Read our guide to grinders here.

  • Grind your coffee to a consistency that resembles semolina. Try adjusting the grind before changing the amount of coffee, as coffee that is ground too coarsely can often taste a little thin. Of course, we have a guide to grind consistency too.

  • Our best home tip for a good cup is to start your brewer and let the water run over the coffee in the filter for a few seconds, then turn off the brewer and stir the coffee. Wait about 30 seconds and then start the brewing process again. This is called "blooming" and makes the coffee brew more evenly, increasing both taste and fullness.

We've gathered our general basic recipes for brewing, but half the fun is experimenting to find your own favourite recipe. Try some different methods and experiment, the most important thing is actually that you like the coffee!

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